Astrom / Zimmer talk about their recent projects, their approach on prototyping and introduce key historical moments and tools.
The aim of this three day workshop was to introduce prototyping methods, without doing any programming.
This workshop focused on reclaiming a personal approach to image making, and to create a platform to share these images that would inspire a dialogue with the user.
This workshop explores new digital formations of the cover and the cover story.
The brief of this project was to investigate and develop a portrait of a subject which is on the verge of disappearance, and to create a web platform as an invitation for others outside the physical and temporal confines of the workshop itself to contribute.
For this workshop, Dan asked students to create a website that could metaphorically present a city, that explores the relationship between designer, author and user in a system engineered to grow and evolve over time. Students worked closely wit Dan to use a real content management system to understand its restrictions and liberties.